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School Poster Expedition

My class was given the opportunity to design 40 x 60 inch posters to be pasted and displayed near the city train station! Here is my submission. The theme was representation.

Discover Talent2.png
Discover Talent1.png



The concept is that I wanted to represent independent creators all over the world who need more attention.

I would achieve this by finding local creators

and linking to their content with QR codes.


The panel who I presented the idea to said that the idea was great, but the actual poster was well below what I should be doing........The QR codes worked though!


I do agree though, besides from the colour pallet, these designs are not very pleasing to look at - much less stare at long enough to scan a QR code.


Another issue is that when I was asked if I was actually enthusiastic about these creators, I found a hard time actually saying I was (I don't lie very often and I didn't that time.)


The podcast and the band mentioned here are actually really good and I don't know why I said I didn't like them. Go check them out. The artist never got back to me, so I couldn't even use her QR code for the final piece.


Bottom line was I needed to redo my work. I needed to find more creators. I needed to make something that I was enthusiastic to present.




2-3 days later and I submitted an entirely new poster.


To fix the issue with me not being passionate about it I thought about how if I want to show enthusiasm in my work it has to feature something which I enjoy. I enjoy drawing and I'm enthusiastic about getting small names out there.

With this in mind I created a lucky dip situation; where the audience scans a code at random from this illustration of creative people engaging in creative activities. The QR code will show them an independent creator to check out.


All of the QR code linked creators have given permission for me to promote their work. They come from the two I originally had, people on the Bristol Creatives facebook page, friends of a friend and other sources. Once again, all have given permission.


Sad I couldn't include any cake decorators, photographers or clay makers though.


I like the naturally made, non-traced illustrations. As clean as the others were, they didn't have much personality - or at least not my own personality.

On going project.

Check back later to see how it goes.


Photos of the poster pasted up in the wild???

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