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A cat food company I came up with. The brand sells cat food that uses less waste because liquid is added to the desired portion. No more half- full cat food packets in the bin/fridge!


I wanted to work on a project which which involved photo editing, so I used my own cat in the photo. Unfortunately, I overestimated my phone camera and I had to apply a few settings and filters to make the image look passable (if that.) I will say that the brushwork I added to make up for the jagged lines (depicted on the tail and back above) looks good for a first try.


I decided that it would be best to use a box, as I thought it would be cool to be able to store it in with the

cereal boxes, for those who don't have much room in their home. Also, despite the plastic bag inside,

it always feels good to recycle a carboard box.


That being said; here are my layout ideas for the front. This image features my ideas before designing the first cover as well as the cereal box studying and redesigns based on cereal boxes I worked on afterwards.


The first Box cover idea.

This is the initial cover design.


I didn't really know what I wanted to do with it, after all, there aren't many vertical cat food boxes to go off of.


The star of the show in this one is the logo which I will write about on the LOGOs page.


Besides from looking like it was made on Microsoft Word, the issue with this is that it's too cluttered and has very little consideration of hierarchy, with the name of the actual product looking like an after thought.


I kept the fonts, colours, logo, and photo idea but returned to the drawing board.



And this is the new cover! I decided to base it off of a cereal box, as it will be about that size. The hierarchy is very clear now - with the product name being exactly where you'd expect it to be on the box.


It's also a very unique product which will stand out from the other, horizontal and bagged catfood brands. It may even be placed in the cereal isle by accident and there's no such thing as bad publicity, right?


I will admit that the cat is looking a little bit like the fire elmo GIF, especially since I had to shorten the leg with the, transform, clone stamp, and brush tool (but I bet you didn't notice.)


Box mock up. A little too big but it looks alright.


Here are all of the plans - such as names and package layout based on existing cat food packaging

PLATS - Boosters

Plats' new cat treats.


I started as usual, studying existing packaging and noticing common themes. From there I came up with my own design - wanting to incorporate photos of my cat.


The process for this consisted of a taking elements I liked and adding them to the next idea and removing the elements which didn't work. For example it became obvious that a realistic cat image was not going to work on a design like this no matter how much I edited it.

I did, however, like the text warp I used - as it had a very slight art deco feel, just enough to make the design "funky" and eye catching.


The paw drawing idea occurred when I went back to the drawing board and I thought I'd keep the theme of drawing the food like I had on the box.


Here are the final results. I kept the title very much the same, but I added a shadow/block effect with a darker blue to help it stand out. I made some cuter looking paws - following the brand colours, as well as opting for just one treat image to avoid clutter. The gives is some depth and empahises the brand. I have used certain colours to represent different flavours for easy picking in stores.


In mock up the text doesn't stand out too well, but I'm hoping that's just the mock up lighting and such. I also had to improvise to fit the length, giving the packets a flavour coloured ribbon at the bottom to further help customers with flavour selection. I think it greatly improved the design.

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